Christmas has sneaked up on us again. Even in this very odd year, it seems to have come around surprisingly quickly. It’s certainly going to be very different for everyone in 2020; the world as we knew it has changed radically and that has given us a chance to reflect on and re-evaluate so many things, to contemplate those things we took for granted that now we really miss.
Christmas shopping has changed too; more people are trying to support local makers and small independent shops, businesses and charities. Ethically and environmentally, this makes so much sense.
But what if you could find a gift for someone that is not only a little different, but that will keep giving for years to come, in multiple ways to many people. A gift that will also help to cool our planet and mitigate climate change.
I’m talking about trees of course. And what could be more appropriate at this time of year? Christmas trees – with a difference.

Image by The Word Forest Organisation
When you think about it, trees make the perfect gift. No worries about all the many questions we ask ourselves when buying presents. Will it fit? (Moot point). Will they like it? (Of course they will!). Do they have anywhere to put it? (Someone else takes care of that). Is it ethical and planet friendly? (You bet! In fact, you’d be hard pressed to find something that was more so!) You can buy any number you like and, starting from £2.50 for one, they suit any budget. In fact, one tree could be the ideal stocking filler and the best bit? You don’t even have to wrestle the actual thing into the stocking!

When you buy trees with The Word Forest Organisation, it enables us to support the planting of those trees in an area of Kenya that has been severely deforested. The trees are chosen and nurtured by the community that we work with and have multiple benefits, not just in terms of mitigating climate change (drawing down CO₂, reducing soil erosion, increasing biodiversity etc.), but to the people themselves (providing shade, food, medicine and a source of income, amongst other things). The trees they plant now will still be giving many, many years into the future and the money we raise also helps to fund other projects too, such as our women’s empowerment group The Mothers Of The Forest and the building of classrooms and planting of food forests/ permaculture gardens at disadvantaged schools in Kenya.
Who could ask for more?

There is a selection of beautiful Certificates of Tree Planting available on our website, which can be personalised for your recipient. They can be emailed to you to send on or print as you wish (ideal, especially if you’re looking for a last minute gift!) or, if you prefer, you can choose to have a printed copy. Please bear in mind the last posting dates for Christmas 1st class post is Monday 21st December.
And speaking of Christmas trees, would you like to know how to turn your Christmas tree into a mango? Find out here at #TreeBeliever.
Wishing you all peace, love and joy over the festive season and beyond.
Asante sana, Krismasi njema.
Izzy Robertson and The Team