Small Charity Week 2021 has been running all this week; supporting and raising awareness of small charities across the country, it makes a big difference to organisations such as ours. We thought it would be good to give a shout out to all the partners and organisers of the week, particularly today as the last day of the Week is Appreciation Day. More of that later. First, some words from our CEO, Tracey West, about one particular organisation that has helped us immensely.
“Our #SmallButMighty charity has been planting trees in Kenya and supporting the amazing people who tend them for 5 years. During that time, we’ve been steered and guided by a handful of extraordinary organisations run by extraordinary people: the Small Charities Coalition is one of them.
Rita Chadha and her Team are amazing. Somehow, they manage to keep their finger on the pulse of all that really matters to small charities like ours. When I read their newsletters, I feel their supportive arm around us and right now, that means a great deal to us all.
The Third Sector landscape can feel pretty bleak at times – it certainly has done over the past year and a half – but I know the SCC have our back. It means that with their help, The Word Forest Organisation is as switched on as it can be to meet your needs through our charity, ultimately helping our planet to be well.
That’s a cracking collaborative arrangement if ever I saw one.
I’d like to conclude by thanking Rita, Rachel, Tilly and everyone who makes the SCC’s wheels turn smoothly. You are awesome!”
Although every day is a great day to express gratitude, Appreciation Day makes it even more of a focus! Here’s a little more information from Tilly Humphreys of the SCC. “We host Appreciation Day on the final day of Small Charity Week. It is a week dedicated to small charities where they can learn, network and hopefully have some fun. Appreciation Day was established a year ago during a time of real loss and confusion for many in the UK. We wanted to use the day as a moment of reflection. The work of small charities can be forgotten, and the people who dedicate their lives to helping others can be taken for granted. We saw it as an opportunity for our 16,000+ members to come together and remember why they are so fantastic. On our social media pages and website, we told stories of the incredible efforts made by individuals of not-for-profits during the last year, and Saturday 19th June we do the same again. So, stand up, take a bow, use the #AppreciationDay hashtag and tell us who you appreciate from your organisations too. Feel free to use the Appreciation Day assets here.”

Image by Řaj Vaishnaw from Pexels
Izzy Robertson, Tracey West and The Team