You may remember that last July, we shared an article about a training course on mat making which was run for our women’s empowerment group, the Mothers Of The Forest. (If not, you can read it here).
The workshop was a great success; the women learned new skills that equipped them with another way to make an income, plus they enjoyed being able to express their creativity. The feedback that Eva Jefa, the facilitator of the group, received afterwards was very positive. The participants were all delighted with the instructor and course content and felt that it would help them to make some money for their families. They also appreciated the food that was provided for them. Although transport to the venue seemed to be the biggest issue for most, they had plenty of suggestions for future courses that would be of benefit. We received some lovely comments when we asked what was the best thing they had experienced by coming to the workshop, such as:
“Gaining new skills and knowledge that will improve my living standards.”
“The instructor was awesome, the food was also well prepared.”
“Being able to learn a new skill that is a potential source of income.”
“The workshop was great, we got to know each other better, there was sharing of life experiences and discussing solutions. We also got a chance to relax and be served for a change.”

We are thrilled to report that the success continues. Eva was able to take the mats to a shop that sells textiles and antiques and has collected the first payment for the Mothers. She says “The Mothers were super excited about their first payment. Some got payment for two mats while others got for one mat. I told them that it’s not a competition, each should go at their own pace. The most important thing is not how fast you make a mat but how good the mat is in terms of design and neatness.”
It is so good to know that these women have added yet another string to their bow and are able to bring in some money through a creative process. We pass on our heartfelt gratitude to all of you, our donors and supporters, because without you, this would not have been possible.
Asante sana! Thank you very much!
Eva Jefa and The Team