COP26… The (News)Beat Goes On

On the 23rd of December 2021, our Chair of Trustees and Managing Director Simon West spoke about the successes and failures of COP26 on the GBNews program The Briefing with Darren McCaffrey. On the 1st of January 2022, our Chair of Trustees and Managing Director Simon West spoke on GB News about his hopes for […]
COP26 Wrap Up

Now COP26 seems to be a (slightly) distant memory, we thought it would be a good time to reflect on it and what were our key takeaways and top moments from attending. First though, here’s a few parting comments from various attendees we met during the final hours of the conference: Jake Causley Key takeaways […]
In Conversation with Compassion in World Farming

On the final day of COP26, Tracey spoke to James West, a policy maker at Compassion in World Farming. They are a charity who campaign for animal welfare and aim to stop factory farming in all forms. Tracey West and The Team
In Conversation with the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum

In the Green Zone at COP26, Simon West spoke to Doug McMurdo of the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF) about the importance of holding large corporations accountable in the fight against climate chaos. Simon West and The Team
In Conversation with Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research

Universities have a big role to play in mitigating climate change. At COP26, Simon West spoke to Asher Minns of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. Tracey West and The Team
What Can Chemists Bring to the Party?

At COP26 there were all sorts of companies, NGOs and groups trying to share their point of view. Whilst in the Green Zone, I got chatting with a couple of chemists. Edwin Silvester of the Royal Society of Chemistry was happy to talk about the role chemists are playing in the fight against climate chaos. […]
Where is the Urgency?

One of our hopes from the visit to COP26 was the chance to call decision makers out when they gave weak or misleading answers. Jo Smith got one such opportunity with a panel who were talking about the impacts of consumer behaviour on our climate. Watch Jo’s question and the answers she received: Jo Smith […]
Is There Hope?

On 6th November 2021 our Special Scientific Adviser, Professor Bill McGuire took part in a panel event held by The Rapid Transition Alliance, titled “Is there Hope?“ Listen to Bill’s view on where we are in the struggle against climate chaos: Bill McGuire and The Team
Interviews on BBC Local Radio

Over the years we have done quite a few interviews with our local BBC radio stations. During COP26 we were invited several times to contribute our thoughts. Here is a round-up of those interviews: